PEAC RNA-seq Data
This webpage hosts an interactive resource for the paper
'Molecular portraits of early rheumatoid arthritis identify clinical and treatment response phenotypes.', and provides access to RNA-sequencing data from the
Pathobiology of Early Arthritis Cohort (PEAC) study.
Key PEAC Publications
Myles J. Lewis, Michael R. Barnes, Kevin Blighe, Katriona Goldmann, Christopher R. John, Sharmila Rana, Jason Hackney, Nandhini Ramamoorthi, David Watson, Sarah Kummerfeld, Rebecca Hands, Sudeh Riahi, Vidalba Rocher-Ros, Felice Rivellese, Frances Humby, Stephen Kelly, Michele Bombardieri, Nora Ng, Maria DiCicco, Désirée van der Heijde, Robert Landewé, Annette van der Helm-van Mil, Alberto Cauli, Iain B. McInnes, Christopher D. Buckley, Ernest Choy, Peter Taylor, Michael J. Townsend, Costantino Pitzalis "Molecular portraits of early rheumatoid arthritis identify clinical and treatment response phenotypes." Cell reports 28.9 (2019): 2455-2470.. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.07.091 PMID: 31461658
Frances Humby, Myles Lewis, Nandhini Ramamoorthi, Jason A Hackney, Michael R Barnes, Michele Bombardieri, A. Francesca Setiadi, Stephen Kelly, Fabiola Bene, Maria DiCicco, Sudeh Riahi, Vidalba Rocher, Nora Ng, Ilias Lazarou, Rebecca Hands, Désirée van der Heijde, Robert B M Landewé, Annette van der Helm-van Mil, Alberto Cauli, Iain McInnes, Christopher Dominic Buckley, Ernest H Choy, Peter C Taylor, Michael J Townsend, Costantino Pitzalis. "Synovial cellular and molecular signatures in early rheumatoid arthritis stratify clinical response to csDMARD therapy and predict radiographic progression." Ann Rheum Dis 2019; 78(6): 761-772. PMID: 30878974.
Associated Software
Katriona Goldmann and Myles Lewis (2021).
volcano3D: Interactive Plotting of Three-Way Differential Expression Analysis. R package version 1.2.0.
Shiny Website
The shiny website was implemented by Myles Lewis, Katriona Goldmann and Vladan Petrovic.